Key Background Information
This family became known to social care when Liam was 3 years old. Police
had been called by a neighbour who had heard shouting and banging in the family
home. They attended the property where Shelly was found with a bruise on her
arm and in a state of distress. Shelly admitted that Sean, Liam’s father, had
been drunk and grabbed her. Liam was present, also very distressed. Sean had
left the property but was later found and arrested. (He later received a
conviction for common assault. There is a restraining order in place preventing
Sean from contacting Shelly.)
It became clear through social care’s assessment that there had been a
significant number of incidents in which Sean had been violent towards Shelly,
some of which had been witnessed by Liam. Shelly indicated she wanted to leave
the relationship to protect herself and Liam and agreed to go into a women’s
refuge with Liam. Shelly and Liam were in the refuge for 7 months before being
rehoused in a different town 6 months ago.
Shelly is the
youngest of four siblings and lived with both her parents until she left home
at sixteen to live with her partner, Sean. Her father, who is now deceased, was
a heavy drinker. Shelly’s parents were unemployed and her father’s drinking
meant the family often went without regular meals.
Sean grew up on the same estate as Shelly. Sean was brought
up in a home where domestic abuse was a common feature of his parents’
relationship. Sean witnessed a lot of the abuse, including physical abuse,
which was perpetrated by his father towards his mother. Sean has several
convictions for shoplifting and one conviction for robbery from when he was a
teenager and had a significant amount of intervention from the Youth Offending
Service. Sean has not had contact with Shelly or Liam since they moved into the
refuge. Attempts by social care to contact him have so far not been successful.
There have been some concerns raised by school about Liam’s
development and issues of neglect. He remains quite overweight which was thought
to be because of poor diet. His teacher described him as regularly coming into
school looking grubby and believed he has not had regular dental care. He needed high levels of support at dinner
time, in terms of using his knife and fork, and for getting his coat on, as he
struggled to use the zip to get ready to go outside.
Liam has been quite rough with his peers, for example pushing others or shouting at them to get something that he wants or needs.
Some children choose not to play with him, leaving him isolated at times. He requires additional support with literacy
and numeracy and cannot always be fully understood as he struggles to pronounce
words correctly. He has a positive relationship with his teacher and learning
support assistant and says he enjoys school. He has a small group of friends
who he likes playing with. When Shelly
collects him at the end of the day, Liam always greets her with a smile and a
hug. There were concerns about lack of boundaries and routines as Liam had said
he goes to bed when he wants to.